boglehead postsee below copy [edited for length] of email sent to the MN boglehead group... let me know if you want to be added to the mailing list, or get specifics on our next meeting, etc.
[quote]MN bogleheads!
the next meeting is saturday, may-1, at 10:00-12:00, in woodbury... NOT the usual 12:00-2:30. at ...
please RSVP so we can arrange tables, print enough agendas, etc. and please include additional panel and breakout topics in your reply.
from 10:00-11:00, we'll have a panel discussion. from 11:00-12:00, we'll have 2-3 breakout sessions. the panel topics and breakout sessions will be from the survey results (see below).
the panel will be:
- jim D. - charter member of MN group. has huge depth and experience with personal investing, DIY, and worked in banking
- tom R. - author of chapter in latest bogleheads retirement book. expert in retirement planning (chapter 1)
- jason G. CFA with background in personal investing, asset allocation, etc. co-leader of west side splinter group.
- me - i'll "be oprah" and moderate the panel discussion. also, could discuss my chapter on early retirement from the bogleheads' retirement book (chapter 13) and the website
i'll send out the final list of breakout topics once i hear back from you, in a 'final reminder' a few days before may 1st.
thanks to everyone who completed the latest quick survey after the last meeting. here's the survey summary:
- what do you see as an attractive bond mix for someone allocating 60% of their portfolio to bonds and 1-3 years from drawing on investments??
- What Vanguard Managed funds would you invest in and which would you avoid, including sector funds.
- DFA equivalent etf's
- there is controversy about the percentage in asset allocation in equities, bonds, cash,etc., for the age group near retirement. 60/40, 50/50, and still w/objective of staying ahead of inflation. The experts vary on this topic.
- thoughts on owning individual stocks, say 12, to enhance portfolio. I assume the holder of these stocks would keep a watchful eye on them.
- anything on taxes would likely be a benefit and also how to find a good CPA. If word of mouth is a good way, I'd like to hear some names offered.
- roth ira conversions - no income restrictions for 2010
- what do we need to know...
- Is high inflation coming? Inflation protecting our portfolio.
- What asset allocation gives the best returns over ten years with rebalancing?
- We have just had the worst ten year returns for stocks in the history of the nation. How can be countered by some other asset class?
- Does history repeat or just rhyme regarding crashes, debt, etc.?
- Are there safe strategies for income beyond the low rate CD's and money markets I see?
- What it's like to start from a $0 balance, how to get started. How to allocate assets at the very beginning. Importance of saving rate vs. specific funds purchased. Start with TSM (can't go wrong with that fund), think about it for a while, then eventually consider more complex investments.
- continuation of ones from last meeting, especially asset allocation, withdrawls, and tracking methods
- Cont- using efficient methods to withdrawal strategies after retirement Minimizing taxes after retirement
- more retirement taking money out
- I think that the current and list of potential topics should give us plenty of topics. My problem is not finding an interesting topic but trying to choose among very interesting topics.
- I missed the session today on tracking portfolio (2nd breakout). It would be nice if some valuable sites were offered up, that it was noted and sent via email. Jason led this and I am also seeking software and have been unsuccessful in finding anything.
- Commodity investing
- Asset allocation and rebalancing.
- maybe a discussion of stages: early accumulation, mid-years, and transition to retirement. Also, more on withdrawal phase. Lots of good topics this meeting. Couldn't attend all. Maybe people would like to see some repeated. First time attendees have different needs than regulars. I could see one long break-out session devoted to first or second timers. They have lots of questions.
0% - significantly less
21% somewhat less
74% balance is about right
5% somewhat more
0% significantly more
32% definitely
47% possibly
16% probably not
5% definitely not
- I liked the ice breaker, good way to start the meeting.
-Don't need speaker / panel at every meeting
- I think it's important to have a moderator present at a breakout who should direct the flow of the session and make sure everyone present has a chance to ask questions they might have; sometimes one or two people tend to dominate these and drown out others??
- I was a bit frustrated that I could not attend more of the breakouts. Something we had at my job and professional mtgs were poster sessions where presenters created 'posters' that summarized their topic and attendees circulated around and viewed and discussed the work with presenter and other interested attendees. Not appropriate for all topics but might be a model to consider.
- I was frustrated with the AA review....about 6 to review in 20 minutes and the first review ate up 15 minutes. One question to ask is 'what are you trying to accomplish' or 'what is your goal'? Not enough time.
- I thought the other two break outs were better because it was easier to focus. Withdrawal strategies...found helpful. Roth: Discussion didn't really follow the topic but nevertheless was beneficial.
- Very good for my level. I learn each time. I do like to know how to avoid taxes.
- I like the idea of having a tax expert available. Maybe for next year's February/March meeting.
- I like the current mix of one speaker topic and a few breakouts at 20 minutes each. Two hours is fine but if the three sessions end up running a little over 2 hours, no big deal. Today it was about 2 hours and 10 minutes and no one seemed anxious to leave.
- Don't want to be too age-ist, but I would like to speak to other investors in their 30s and younger and find out what their challenges and considerations have been for investing.
see you soon!
jeff mc