Feb 6, 2010

6-feb-2010 meeting minutes

below is the email sent to the MN bogleheads. to be added to this list, email me mnbogleheads@gmail.com

hey, folks.

i realize i was being a "tough guy" w/ the time and whistle again today, cutting off good conversations to keep us moving through the agenda. we try to strike a good balance between free-range chatting and anal-retentive, on-topic, focused discussions. and to wrap it all up in 2 hours. i'll let you decide (and answer via the survey below) how we did at that balancing act.

it was great to see so many first-timers today. about 5-6 new folks of the 33 total attendees. i especially got a kick out of having first-timer mary ann attend (the mother of my 8th grade girlfriend more than 25 years ago. small world, indeed!). if only mary ann would of whispered "vanguard" or "index funds" in my ear back then, maybe the chapter in the boglehead book could have been called "ridiculously early retirement"!

based on the voting at this meeting, the next meeting will be on saturday, May-1, without food, in woodbury, from 10:00-12:00, at some large (preferably free) spot, like the Y or library. stay tuned for details. tentative agenda, subject to change based on survey results, is to have a panel discussion for first half, breakout sessions for 2nd half. and then possibly an informal 'third half' at a nearby restaurant, for anyone who wants to eat and chat in an informal setting w/ a small group. thanks for the idea of this informal lunch, mike and that table in the back.

link to survey to find panel questions, experts, and breakout topics for 1-may meeting: PLEASE TAKE THIS SHORT SURVEY {{link removed}}

link to powerpoint and pictures http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3001314/MN-boglehead-6feb-all.pdf

link to main forum: http://www.bogleheads.org

link to main forum thread and subforum where future meetings will be posted: http://www.bogleheads.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=49198

link to rick ferri on fox business news talking about new book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbvtKQD_M5Q (sorry the sound was too quiet and tinny during meeting)

link to MN local blog: http://mndiehards.blogspot.com/

link to our MN boglehead comic, b.j. dewey: http://richerfasterpoorer.com/
the last strip (5-feb) is about LBYM... a primary theme of the early retirement chapter. she's a true boglehead!

contact jason for splinter group - west side meeting dates and/or sturdy phil for east side dates (see email CC above). they meet in between our quarterly 'full' meetings.

thanks. i think the meeting was another good one due to such an energetic group, full of vets and new folks. take the survey. go vikes :-( and see you in may.
jeff mc

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