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email to the group... meeting minutes...
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hello, folks 27 of us made it today. not bad for what turned out to be a pretty nice (if not a little too windy) saturday. after needing to almost break into throwbacks restaurant, the meeting time flew by once again (at least for me). thanks to jim d and "tall" phil b for being on the panel. and thanks to the table moderators for helping the conversations move along during the break-out sessions. our panel session ran long (by voting consensus), so we only did two of the three breakout sessions. i'll bump those topics from the third session to the next meeting on AUGUST-7, 12:00, in bloomington. this was a decidedly low tech / low maintenance meeting. no powerpoint. no pictures. no wifi. no computers. no food. no whistles. seemed to work out well. for august-7, we'll do our usual break-out sessions, and have the other half be 'something'. if anyone has a speaker in mind, or a presentation idea, please let me know. we discussed having a CPA or tax expert give a talk with Q&A. another topic may be how to manage investing in a household when there are different interests, risk tolerance, life expectancies, and philosophies by couples. SWR and the "4% rule?" has a lot of interest. possibly we could do a "what are the boglehead investing principles and philosophy" workshop/discussion. or complete some type of investing-related survey beforehand and then analyze results w/ entire group. anyway, please send me any topic ideas, speakers, surveys, meeting formats, etc. for future meetings. and it's never too early (or late) to RSVP for august. and don't be shy about volunteering to give a talk yourself. we have a very diverse group with tons of talent right in our group. link to forum: link to wiki: link to advanced search: thanks, jeff mc ps, looking at our past meeting metrics... this is our 16th meeting. the first meeting was 3/12/2005 w/ 7 of us. |
next minnesota meeting 7-august-2010 | bloomington | PM or email for details
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