below are meeting minutes from the 14nov2009 meeting:
hey, folks:
it's cliched to say this again, but i think we had a really great mix of new bogleheads and old vets, w/ lots of good discussions. and special thanks to tom r. for his great presentation on his chapter of the new boglehead book (link to amazon -> )
for those not in attendance: 32 of us met and planned out the next 2 years of meetings, tom reviewed his chapter, and we had 2 breakout sessions. (and... i had to drive to radio shack (twice!) to get the correct cables for the overhead projector but that only delayed the start by a minute...)
here are the powerpoint slides, the agenda, and one picture of the meeting, all in one PDF file:
main website:
MN boglehead website: (updated very INfrequently)
jolinda and others were discussing the 'easy allocator' website, from yobria. i said i'd attach the link. unfortunately, it's not online these days. i don't know why.
meeting schedule:
6-feb-2010 12:00, bloomington
1-may-2010 10:00, woodbury
7-aug-2010 12:00, bloomington
6-nov-2010 12:00, woodbury
5-feb-2011 time, location tbd
7-may-2011 "
6-aug-2011 "
5-nov-2011 "
breakout session topics, keynote speakers, and content are the lifeblood of our group. please let me know what speakers and/or topics you would want to hear about in future meetings. some ideas to get you thinking: i think jason g. (CFA and west side co-moderator) could talk about something interesting. some CPA could come to discuss tax planning, i could do a chapter review of the boglehead book. some boglehead-type who really understands annuities and life insurance could de-mystify those. or we could do a panel discussion on "creating your personal asset allocation" w/ Q&A as an entire group.
if interested in meeting w/ either the east side or west side groups inbetween these main meetings, contact phil or jason, respectively. their emails are in the CC above. it sounds like both of those groups are doing great, and have a good core group of folks who have been getting together in more informal settings more often than main group meets. look them up!
jeff mc